Will Drafting Quick Form

Basic Will

RM 299
  • Untuk Orang Islam
  • Wasiat membolehkan anda memperuntukkan 1/3 daripada harta anda kepada mana-mana individu atau organisasi pilihan anda.
  • Tanpa Wasiat, semua harta anda akan diagihkan mengikut Faraid atau mengikut pemuafakatan waris.
  • Untuk Orang Bukan Islam
  • Wasiat membolehkan anda mengagihkan kesemua asset anda kepada mana-mana individu atau organisasi pilihan anda.
  • Tanpa Wasiat, harta anda akan diagihkan mengikut Akta Pembahagian 1958 atau mengikut pemuafakatan waris.


RM 1,199
  • It is a vow or declaration made by a Muslim during his/her lifetime in respect of his/her property and benefit. It is to be carried out after his/her death.
  • Portion of property that can be bequeathed is limited to one third (1/3) of the assets available at the time of death.
  • A testator may appoint the Executor to administer the estate and trustees for minor.


RM 1,899
  • A benevolent contract of an offer and acceptance (ijab & qabul) between the donor and the donee (the receiver), wherein the donor transfer the possession ( gabd) of the property (the gift) to the donee without any consideration and the transaction has a full effect during the lifetime (or death) of the donor.
  • It has no restriction on the maximum amount of the Hibah property, and the donee of the hibah is not confined to the Muslim only.
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